Friday, October 2, 2009

Clean Hands

Great tip that Christine found:

Hand sanitizer cleans marker smudges off kids' hands

Purell WipesGreg discovered that hand sanitizer cleans up more than germs:

My 2-year old son was coloring with markers and, as you can imagine, managed to get just as much marker on his hands as he did the paper. After he finished coloring, dinner was ready, so I decided to wait until after we ate to get his hands cleaned up. I thought I would just put some hand sanitizer on his hands and he would be fine to eat. I was pleasantly surprised when I finished rubbing the sanitizer on his hands to see that they were perfectly clean. The marker was gone. I then remembered how alcohol is good at removing pen marks from furniture, among other places one would not want ink (I once had to get ink off of my computer monitor with alcohol). Instead of using rubbing alcohol on a child's hands, hand sanitizer does the trick.

1 comment:

  1. claire only gets to use markers on very special occasions and with lots of supervision--mostly b/c of the diasaster that ensues every time a cap comes off a marker with her. so we pulled them out for general conference, so that she'd be quietly entertained and wound up with marker all over her afterwards. i was racking my brain--where did i just see something about getting marker off hands!?! couldn't remember at the time so we just washed her hands and threw her in the bath that night. but NOW i remember where i learned a great tip! thanks for continuing to do these posts. they're awesome and so helpful! (i think you should do one on the magical powers of oxi-clean--especially when you allow things to soak in oxi-clean for a day or too---gets out ANY stain, even if it's way set in or been through the dryer. i can't live without it!)
