Friday, April 16, 2010

Homemade Buttermilk

I learned how to make buttermilk last night. It's quite simple.

Step 1: Add about 1- Tblsp buttermilk (you can buy a small carton from the store, or if you live near me, come on over and get a start) to a quart jar (or any quart size container).

Step 2: Fill the rest of the jar with milk and let it sit out over night on the counter without a lid.

Step 3: The next morning, put a lid on it and put it in your fridge. It should be good for about 3 weeks. When it gets low, add more milk and let it sit out again overnight-it will just keep going!

Now I just need to find some great buttermilk pancake recipes! We got a great one last night for the most moist chocolate cake! Yum!


  1. That is cool to know! Makes sense - what a smart trick. I hardly ever have buttermilk on hand, even though we have southern roots :), so I always use the 1 c. milk to 1 tbls. lemon juice/vinegar trick - instant buttermilk!

  2. She also said that you can freeze 1-2 tblsp of buttermilk and repeat the process when you are in need of buttermilk again.
