Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sippy cups

My tip: once you transition to a sippy cup, just go straight to the ones with a hard plastic nipple. I thought it was so nice how well Lucy "transitioned" to a sippy with a rubber nipple and I have paid the price ever since. Bottom line, they leak!

1 comment:

  1. YOU WERE SO RIGHT! Looks like I still need to listen to my professors even after I've graduated!
    James is 1 and STILL struggles ALOT with a sippy. (Which makes it harder when you're trying to wean off the bottle.) We've been using a soft-top and it leaks all over! He'd just chew on it making it gush out and then it would spill out his mouth because it was too much to swallow. It was SO frustrating! I went out yesterday and got this one and he's doing beautifully!! We're so much happier!
